The Village Church

Hot Seat Model: Overview & Problematic Event (Eric)

Pastor Eric Season 3

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In the latest episode from the Village Church sermon podcast, Pastor Eric introduces a fresh series centered around what many warmly call the "Hot Seat Model"—or, perhaps better, the "Table of Decision." This isn’t a novelty, mind you; it's an idea Eric shaped with his community some eighteen years ago. Ever since, it's grown and shifted, refined by experience and shaped by wisdom gleaned along the way.

Eric guides listeners through the heart of this model, laying out how it functions within the rhythms of discipleship. It’s about how real life, with all its messy complexities, intersects with the faithful path we are called to walk. He then turns to explore the first crucial component: the "Problematic Event." That’s the tricky bit—the place where life snarls up, confusions arise, and our growth often stalls.

At the close, Eric leaves listeners with a thoughtful set of questions. They're not merely theoretical—rather, they're practical tools designed to illuminate the problematic events in your own journey, and in the journeys of those around you.

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The Village Church’s sermon podcast is more than just a weekly message. It is an invitation into the great and ongoing story of God’s work in the world. Pastors Eric, Mark, Susan, Daniel, and other leaders open the Scriptures not as a collection of abstract ideas but as the living, breathing witness to God’s kingdom breaking into our midst. Each episode is a call—not merely to listen, but to take part, to step forward into the life of faith with renewed vision and purpose.

Week by week, the pastors and leaders explore the deep rhythms of Christian discipleship—prayer, fasting, generosity—not as isolated duties but as part of a larger, richer, and more beautiful whole. They unpack these ancient practices in light of Jesus himself, the one in whom heaven and earth have come together. But they also turn their attention to the realities of everyday life—relationships, finances, the struggles and joys of being human—demonstrating how the gospel is not merely about what we believe but about how we live as God's renewed people in the present age.

The Village Church

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